We are very proud of being the North Queensland 2021 Regional Showcase Winner for our wonderful Reading Program!
At Townsville South State School, reading has always been, and will always be, the top priority! In 2016, we identified that a couple of students at our small school were not meeting National Minimum Standard for reading, while some of our clever students could achieve even better results in their reading. While we have always focussed on Guided Reading lessons, with texts matched to students' needs, we decided that a whole-school focus targeting every aspect of the skill of reading would be undertaken. We wanted to capture the thrill of reading books and texts that entertain and add to the students' world view for all our students. We wanted our students' reading skills to increase, so they could enjoy even more of what that world of reading offers! From 82-92% of students reaching National Minimum Standard in reading, we reached 100% by 2019 and our clever group of readers increased from 23-38% to an incredible 44-47% of all of our enrolments. Nearly 1 in 2 of our students at Townsville South State School read well above the average reading standard! With our Townsville South Reading focus, we really have shown that: 'From Little Schools, Great Kids READ!'
We were greatly appreciative of the supportive feedback from the NQ EQ Regional Director:
Dear Principal Townsville South State School,
On behalf of North Queensland region I would like to personally congratulate you and Townsville South State School on being the regional winner of the Excellence in Early and Primary Years award – From little schools, great kids READ!.
This award recognises initiatives that demonstrate positive outcomes and measurable improvement for young children and students from kindergarten to Year 6 through systematic curriculum delivery and effective pedagogical practices.
Thank you for your focused and intentional work to improve reading outcomes at Townsville South State School. Your efforts on behalf of your students is greatly appreciated.
I wish you all the best for the state evaluation judging in July.
Regional Director
North Queensland Region, Townsville Office
Department of Education
June 2021