2020 - Reef Guardian School
Our school became a Reef Guardian School, as part of our committment to education for sustainability. We undertook projects, involving the members of our school community, to help our students understand the complex interactions of the many activities undertaken in our local area that have an effect on the Reef.

The projects above are only part of the yearly program, as there are also embedded connections.
2019 - Sustainable Kitchen Garden Competition - $10,000 prize
Our school community was very excited to receive the following message from the organisers of the Sustainable Kitchen Garden Competition - I am thrilled to confirm that Townsville South State School is the winner in the House & Garden /Australia Post ‘In the Garden’ competition, winning a sustainable garden designed by Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation! Thank you for the wonderfully creative entries. The judges were delighted with the passion and effort displayed.
Principal wrote the following letter to pass on our appreciation to the competition organisers following our school's win of a sustainable garden designed by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation.
Our little school was ecstatic to win this garden competition! Led by the P&C, the Townsville South State School community had decided to undertake the ambitious project of establishing a kitchen garden, with the aim of supplying some fresh produce for our weekly tuckshop menu. When the P&C suggested entering the House and Garden competition, all the classes enthusiastically embraced the challenge and the children loved writing and drawing about their ideal gardens. Winning this competition means that we will have expert input on the design of our school garden and help with creating a productive, useful garden space for many years to come. Thank you very much Australian House and Garden and Australia Post!
Below is a photo of our school garden one year after its installation.

2018 - Australia Heart Foundation - $10,000 grant
Our school was one of the 8 National winners from The Australian Heart Foundation in 2018 providing our school a $10000 grant for implementation. We were also appreciative of the people from James Cook University have expressed interest in potential research to support student health and well-being.
Acknowledgement letter from National Heart Foundation of Australia:
The National Heart Foundation of Australia ABN 98 008 419 761 (Heart Foundation) recently sought applications for the 2018 Active Australia Innovation Challenge - 2018 from educational institutions and other organisations throughout Australia. The aim of the AAIC is to identify the barriers to increasing physical activity and develop innovative ideas to address the barriers in a chosen community, improve community participation in, and to raise community awareness of the value of physical activity and increase the number of Australians becoming more physically active.
The Heart Foundation wishes to advise Townsville South State School ABN 27 082 199 464 (the Recipient) of its successful application for a $10,000 (excl. GST) Grant (the Funds) to implement (or seed fund) the innovative idea outlined in the AAIC application (the Project).
This Agreement seeks to set out the terms and conditions in relation to the grant of funding by the Heart Foundation to the Recipient.